Stretches for sciatica are known to work wonders to ease the pain.

Sciatica often strikes like a shooting pain or sudden numbness that can catch you off guard and interfere with routine activities. Exercise for sciatica is known to work wonders to ease the pain. And as you’ll see, it isn’t that hard. 

What Are Sciatica Symptoms?

Sciatica can cause numbness, pain, tingling, and weakness along the back of your leg, on your bottom, in the feet and toes. Some may also experience back pain. Sciatica or irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve can be alleviated by stretching muscles surrounding the sciatic nerve . 

How To Reduce Sciatica Pain With Stretches

Your sciatic nerve runs along the length of the leg from your lower back down to your feet. Stretches that target these areas can help ease the compression, improving your symptoms. If you haven’t tried exercise in sciatica pain relief before, here is how you can get started:

#1 Half Spinal Twist

This pose has been shown to alleviate pain by working not just on the superficial muscles but muscles deep within . Known as Ardha Matsyendrasana in Yoga, this asana is a mild stretch for the piriformis in your hip. It helps both lengthen and release it; over time you can deepen the stretch. Trying to do the full pose intensely without gradually increasing intensity can even make the pain worse. Adjust the pose so that you do not experience any discomfort. 

#2 Prone on Elbows

This exercise is aimed at strengthening the back  to reduce sciatica symptoms. Lie down on your stomach, and support your body on your forearms. Take care that your elbows line up below the shoulders. Inhale deeply and relax your body. Hold this breath for 30 seconds. Repeat the cycle 10 times. 

#3 Knees to Chest

Bringing your knees to your chest while lying down comfortably on a mat – known in yoga as the Pawanmuktasana – exercises the pelvic region, lower back, as well as the muscles of your lower extremities and relaxes muscles in the region. The asana improves the range of movement and stimulates your nervous system, helping ease lower back pain and sciatica pain.

#4 Posterior Pelvic Tilt

A lot of people are susceptible to having an anterior pelvic tilt. This causes your pelvis to tilt forward and lifts the back. To bring the pelvis back to a neutral position and treat Sciatica, you need to practise stretches like the Posterior Pelvic Tilt. This helps ease sciatica pain and also improves back function . 

#5 The Bridge

The SetuBandhasana or Bridge Pose strengthens your back muscles as well as your core. The stretch it gives your hip flexors as it opens up the region also relieves sciatica-associated lower back pain

#6 Child’s Pose or Balasana

The balasana lengthens the spine and opens up the hips, offering a good stretch to the thighs and hips and down the leg to the ankles, while also relieving back pain . This stretch eases compression that could be responsible for sciatica . 

Topical Pain Relief For Sciatica

If you’re looking for immediate relief from back or thigh pain associated with sciatica, one option is to use a topical pain relief remedy like Omnigel or Omnigel spray. This diclofenac gel can be applied to any area where you are experiencing aches and pains to give almost instant relief from the discomfort. It also eases inflammation and stiffness, improving movement.

Pick up Omnigel and Omnigel spray at a pharmacy near you or order online  – they are a must-have for anyone who is working from home or prone to back

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